For several years, most countries have been actively opposing smoking and promoting healthy lifestyles.Banning smoking in public places can help motivate people to get rid of this addiction forever. However, for many smokers, this is not an obstacle. Although many of them are already looking for a way to quit smoking quickly and effectively on their own, this is good news. Unfortunately, so far, scientists have not developed a way to quit smoking naturally without psychological distress, but they have come close to making it as easy as possible to separate from cigarettes.
Physical needs

When smoking, the human body lacks important trace elements and vitamins and needs to be supplemented. It is best to supplement in a complicated way, but special attention should be paid to certain foods.
As we all know, smokers excrete a large amount of vitamin C from the body. Nicotine helps to replace vitamin C. Therefore, when quitting smoking, one should pay attention to intake of sufficient ascorbic acid. The diet should contain more foods containing vitamin C-orange juice and lemon juice, raisins, sea buckthorn, rose hips.
The desire to smoke is gradually decreasing, but it is worth noting the function of the body, because people with intestinal and stomach problems should not take ascorbic acid to over-smoking.
Don’t forget the following fact: After deciding to quit smoking permanently, it is recommended to exclude some foods from the diet. These include products containing caffeine-coffee, tea, Coca-Cola. Only caffeine can remove a lot of nicotine from the body, and the body begins to ask for the lost nicotine.
Bad habits

Alcohol can also stimulate desire. Therefore, if you are determined to quit smoking, please limit the use of alcoholic beverages. It is best to refuse completely at the beginning. The higher the level of the drink, the greater the desire to receive a dose of nicotine.
Another important factor in combating addiction is internal psychological attitude. Perform self-hypnosis to analyze all the positive aspects of quitting smoking and the harmful effects of cigarettes on the body. This will be a good motivation for you to fight this harmful addiction.
It’s worth noting that not everyone can quit smoking on the first try-this is completely normal. This is almost always a long work process. Don't give up and continue to fight for your own health, this is just for yourself and not for others.
13 practical tips to effectively quit smoking
Find the most important reason.
There are very strong personal reasons to really motivate yourself. For example, they are unwilling to destroy the health of their loved ones through secondhand smoke. Or the risk of lung cancer and heart disease is lower, and they even hope to look young and healthy. The most important thing is to want it more than smoking.
Be prepared before you quit smoking suddenly.
Just picking up and throwing away the last pack of cigarettes is not the right way. When the sudden interruption of a particular addiction leads to deterioration of physical and mental health, this may lead to the so-called withdrawal syndrome. It is prudent to first consult a healthcare professional on how to ease the smoking cessation process.
Consider alternative treatments.
Of course, people think that all that is needed is willpower, but in fact, the body's dependence on the body may have a greater influence. There are various forms of special drugs, as well as techniques that gradually reduce the amount of nicotine that enters the bloodstream, thereby reducing the side effects of smoking cessation, such as irritability, headaches, etc.
Ask about medication in advance.
The cigarette looks like a simple prank. People who smoke a pack a day are likely to need medication to relieve symptoms after abrupt withdrawal. This medication should only be taken as directed by your doctor.
Don't give up the support of your loved ones.
Share your intention to opt-out with your family. Warm words and understanding play an important role in everyone's life, because if there are such incentives, it will be much easier to control oneself and ignore the craving for cigarettes. Love and support are more effective than prescription drugs.
Take a break.
Most smokers claim that cigarettes can help them relax. In fact, this is not the case, it is just that the rest time is allocated for the rest time, which can cost a lot of money without smoking. Therefore, quitting smoking requires a period of time to relax. It doesn't matter if you are full of anything-exercise, listening to music or massage. The most important thing is to prove to yourself that rest is possible without delay.
Avoid coffee and alcohol first.
In many people's minds, cigarettes are related to alcohol and morning coffee. In order not to provoke yourself and test your endurance, it is best to take a break. If you become accustomed to smoking immediately after eating, find another alternative, such as brushing your teeth or taking a short walk.
Get rid of smoking reminders.
When you quit smoking, immediately remove ashtrays, lighters and anything else that may remind you of cigarettes in your home. Do not leave these little things in the car. Everything must be cleaned and ventilated to avoid the smell of obsessive-compulsive disorder, otherwise the temptation will be too great to resist.
If it fails, please try again.
If you cannot log out for the first time, please do not try to log out. Analyze your smoking again and use this experience next time to avoid failure again. Set a clear date for yourself so that you can try to quit smoking again.
Move more and more actively.
Physical activity helps to distract the idea of cigarettes. In addition, the hormones produced in cigarettes can usually improve mood and body tone. As a result, it can be seen from the outside that this will be another motivation for smoking, and smoking has nothing to do with the beauty and health of the body. If you can't participate in sports at all, then any physical exercise is fine-such as working in the garden or walking with the dog.
Eat more vegetables and fruits.
Never go on a diet when you quit smoking. Psychologically, if you deny yourself too much, it will be difficult to cope. To avoid weight gain when quitting smoking, just replace snacks with baked goods and fruit and vegetable candies.
Calculate your earnings.
In addition to unconditional health benefits, quitting smoking is also cost-effective. Calculate exactly how much money you will save by stopping buying cigarettes, lighters and ashtrays. In addition, try to estimate how much labor efficiency with a clear timetable will increase if there is no fixed time to quit smoking. Spend the money saved, and finally bid farewell to tobacco, entertaining and entertaining in return.
Remember, time is at stake.
Is it hard to tell exactly how healthy it is to quit smoking? Then, maybe some numbers will help. After smoking, it takes 20 minutes for the body to normalize the heart rate. After one day without tobacco, the carbon monoxide content in the blood will return to an acceptable level. After quitting smoking for 2-3 weeks, the risk of heart attack begins to decrease. In the long run-get rid of the sword of Damocles lung cancer.
We hope you make the right decision in time. Our article will help you determine how to effectively and quickly quit smoking by yourself. health!